Tribal - Earrings

The tribal Collection for Navratri echoes the vibrant spirit of Indian festivities. Each earring in this series is a celebration of rhythmic tribal art infused with the vivacity of Navratri. Showcasing intricate patterns and vivid hues, these earrings are reminiscent of the festival's lively dances and rich traditions.
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11 Products Found
Color Dark Pink
EK-SFEAR334 - Pink Color Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR329P - Pink Color Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR291M - Multicolor Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR251 - Pink Color Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR325P - Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR295M - Multicolor Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR299P - Red Color Silver Plated Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR289 - Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR245P - Tribal Earrings
EK-SFEAR163B - Tribal Earrings
Navratri Collection Silver Finish Earrings